University of Southern California, 2022
Course: Park Design Studio and Topography
Professor: Takako Tajima, AIA, NCARB, PLA
Jerry Hastings, PLA
This project is a redesign of MacArthur Park, located in the Westlake neighborhood of Los
Angeles. The area is a staple of the community and often used for recreation, street vending,
outdoor concerts and more. Maintaining the integrity of the community access to the park was
a staple in the design process. This project challenged us to adapt the existing grade of the park
to incorporate a renewable energy source into the word we were given- mine being “terraces.”
Redesigned Site Plan of MacArthur Park

Redesigned Site Plan at the Park

Redesigned Contour Lines for MacArthur Park

Redesigned Contour Lines at the Park

Working with the existing soil, I proposed a radical relocation and transformation of the current lake into three separate terraced systems to allow for the cascading of water down multiple 5’ drops with pathways intertwined. Utilizing centralized micro hydro power at these drops, I formed a plan for energy to be returned to the immediate community members and vendors in the form of 5 paved vendor areas where carts and generators can be plugged in for electricity needs.

Sections Across the Park

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